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Candidate's Profile


Lawrence Nwonu

  • Member Since 27th of July 2023
  • Location Akure
  • Experience Over 4 years Years
  • Job Preference

About Me

I can lay pipes for wiring. I can draw wires. I can connect wires for lightening, fans, sockets, switches, and boards. I can connect for circuit breaker. Troubleshooting for electrical problems. Among others.


Federal University of Technology, Akure (Physics Electronics)


Engaged in different electrical services like wiring and installation. Fixed lightening, fittings, ceiling fans, circuit breakers, circuit boards. Also did troubleshooting to detect problems.

Work Experience

Smace Nigeria Ltd (Field Technical Assistant)

0 - 0

Engaged in different electrical services like wiring and installation. Fixed lightening, fittings, ceiling fans, circuit breakers, circuit boards. Also did troubleshooting to detect problems.

Work Photos


Electrician Electronic Technician

Awards & Certificates

Skill Endorsements From Employers

Electronic Technician

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