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Candidate's Profile


Divine-favour Agbanelo

  • Member Since 18th of July 2023
  • Location Ogudu
  • Experience Half a year Years
  • Job Preference

About Me

I can document all transactions on of a company. I can have interpersonal communication between customer. I can generate sale for an organisation. I can do research for a company to upgrade in pattern and trends. I am keen in taking responsibility and diplomatic in handling critical case if arises.




Attending to client, Recording of company transaction. Responsible in accounting of goods or working Equipment of the company.

Work Experience

AT Limited company (Office assistant)

2022 - 0

Attending to client, Recording of company transaction. Responsible in accounting of goods or working Equipment of the company.

Work Photos


Senior Secondary School Teacher Biology Integrated Sciences

Awards & Certificates

Skill Endorsements From Employers

Senior Secondary School Teacher
Integrated Sciences

Employers' Feedback

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