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Candidate's Profile


Adebayo Oyeniyi

  • Member Since 20th of January 2023
  • Location Ogun Waterside
  • Experience 4 Years
  • Job Preference

About Me

Very skilled in all digital marketing components, social media, digital gadget use. I make use of the current digital tools to promote , direct traffic and sales to business regardless. Am very good at making use of the following CANVA META LINKEDIN GOOGLE TIKTOK And more , also any other preferred platform recommended by the organization, depending there product or services . This above listed , are what I can use to achieve this digital marketing strategy listed below and more. Email marketing Social media marketing Search engine optimization (SEO) Display advertising like LinkedIn ads Google Display Network Search engine marketing (SEM) Online events & webinars website optimization Content marketing Video marketing Marketing automation Customwr relation management Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising like Google Ads Affiliate marketing.



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