If you’re a business owner, read this article! Chances are you already know that it’s hard to get and hire professional blue-collar workers/artisans in the world of today. As the economy changes, companies find it harder than ever to find workers for the jobs they need to be done. This has led many businesses to change their hiring policies to accommodate employees who are less skilled. While others have a tough time getting capable hands. Not only does this make your recruitment process harder, but it also affects the productivity of the business as a whole.

In order to hire blue-collar workers successfully, it is essential to understand what defines a blue-collar worker.

Who is a Blue-Collar Worker/Artisan

Illustration of professional Blue-Collar workers/Artisans from different fields

Artisans are commonly recognized for their blue-collar work. Though the perception of the term ”Artisan” looks faded over time. 

A blue-collar worker or Artisan is typically someone who performs manual labor or skilled trade work. This can include positions such as factory workers, construction workers, mechanics, and more.

When hiring blue-collar workers, it is important to keep in mind that these individuals are often looking for stability and fair compensation. They want to know that their job will be secure and that they will be paid a fair wage for their skills. As an employer, you should be able to offer both of these things in order to attract and retain the best talent.

To help you figure out how to hire and retain blue-collar workers, I’ll share some of the best blue-collar recruitment strategies so you can start securing awesome talent, despite the challenging landscape.

How to Hire professional Blue-Collar workers

Preparation of a happy woman in a beauty salon with busy hands around her.

The benefits of hiring these workers can be great for both the employer and the employee. There are a few things to keep in mind before hiring blue-collar workers, such as:

  1. Have a defined scope of work and project parameters: To find the right blue-collar workers for your business, start by defining the specific skills and experience you need. Once you have a clear understanding of what you’re looking for, hiring a fitted employee is not much of a task. reach out to local trade schools or community colleges. These institutions can put you in touch with qualified candidates who are interested in pursuing a career in your field.
  2. Work with Blue-Collar Recruitment firm: Reach out to Blue-Collar recruitment firm. A Blue-Collar recruitment firm can put you in touch with qualified candidates who are interested in pursuing a career in your field. Also, helps you help identify and screen candidates. Providing clear training and expectations. If you’re considering hiring blue-collar workers for your next project, ArtisanOga is one of the best blue-collar recruitment companies in Africa. Our platform allows you to post open positions and receive applications from candidates all over the country (or even globally). You can also review applications, and view each candidate’s qualifications and work history.

The Pros and Cons of Hiring Blue Collar Workers/Artisans

There are pros and cons to hiring blue-collar workers. The pros include that they are typically very hard workers, they usually have a lot of experience in their field, and they can be very affordable. The cons include that they may not have the same level of education as white-collar workers, and may not be as familiar with new technology, that is why working with a blue-collar recruitment firm such as ArtisanOga is your best bet in hiring and retaining professional artisans.


There are many benefits to using a blue-collar recruitment agency. One of the main benefits is that you can save time and money by having the agency do the legwork for you. Another benefit is that you can be assured that the candidates they send you are qualified and have the necessary skills for the job. And finally, using a recruitment agency can help take some of the stress out of hiring new employees. If you are considering using a blue-collar recruitment agency, we hope this article has helped you understand some of the advantages they offer.